Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Summer used to be my favorite season of the year. I looked forward to hot days, bright sunshine and no school for a few months! But as I've gotten older, I've become more drawn to fall and winter. I love the leaves changing and cool days. I love being able to wrap up in a blanket and watch a good Christmas movie (but of course not until AFTER Thanksgiving if you're married to Hudson.) And I LOVE getting all bundled up and heading out to go Christmas shopping or out for a good dinner.

Hudson's parents have always loved building fires during the fall and winter. Even when it's 60+ degrees outside, they have a fire going. They have even said there are times when they turn on the AC just to have one. I love it! Since Hudson and I moved a few months ago, we get to enjoy fires in our own home. The very first day it got remotely cold this year, I had Hudson build us a fire! Looking forward to many fire nights.

This winter will be even more special to us. We'll get to celebrate Christmas with our baby boy! He's in to everything now, so I imagine having a Christmas tree in the living room will be a real adventure! Wilson loves pulling things apart and ripping up paper- good practice for unwrapping gifts.

My parents are coming to Nashville next week to celebrate Thanksgiving- can't wait to begin the holiday festivities!

Happy Holiday season to you!

Wilson (9 months)