Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Summer used to be my favorite season of the year. I looked forward to hot days, bright sunshine and no school for a few months! But as I've gotten older, I've become more drawn to fall and winter. I love the leaves changing and cool days. I love being able to wrap up in a blanket and watch a good Christmas movie (but of course not until AFTER Thanksgiving if you're married to Hudson.) And I LOVE getting all bundled up and heading out to go Christmas shopping or out for a good dinner.

Hudson's parents have always loved building fires during the fall and winter. Even when it's 60+ degrees outside, they have a fire going. They have even said there are times when they turn on the AC just to have one. I love it! Since Hudson and I moved a few months ago, we get to enjoy fires in our own home. The very first day it got remotely cold this year, I had Hudson build us a fire! Looking forward to many fire nights.

This winter will be even more special to us. We'll get to celebrate Christmas with our baby boy! He's in to everything now, so I imagine having a Christmas tree in the living room will be a real adventure! Wilson loves pulling things apart and ripping up paper- good practice for unwrapping gifts.

My parents are coming to Nashville next week to celebrate Thanksgiving- can't wait to begin the holiday festivities!

Happy Holiday season to you!

Wilson (9 months)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The "Like" Button

Have you ever felt like you "like" too many pictures or statuses (stati?) on Facebook or Instagram? Have you ever wondered what it even means to "like?" 

I am one of many moms who posts way too many pictures of their child(ren). I've mentioned before that I never understood why moms did that until I had a baby myself. Now, it makes total sense. Everyday there is a new smile, new skill or some days the exact same thing he did a trillion times the day before but it's just as cute. As a mom, I'm proud of all of these moments and I can't help but brag at how adorable he is by sharing these trillion of pictures with all of you! 

I've discovered that the "like" button in the parenting world is a way to say to other parents "Hey, good job raising that youngin'...keep it up!" I see pictures of friends kids and can totally relate to those moments....

Picture of a baby smiling- "LIKE"...mine did that last week.

Picture of a baby crawling- "LIKE"...we're still working on it, but getting there!

Picture of a baby after shots- "LIKE"...I feel your pain!

Picture of another baby with a helmet- "LIKE"...we aren't the only ones!

You see, I'm a fan of the "LIKE" button. What a great way to encourage each other along the way!

Another Wilson picture: 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Why the helmet???

Several people have asked why Wilson is wearing a helmet. So, let me tell you!

When Wilson was about 3ish months old we noticed a slight flat spot on the back right side of his head. We spoke to our pediatrician about it who thought it may eventually correct itself over time. Doctors now advise parents to put their baby to sleep on his back. Apparently this has resulted in the SIDS rate decreasing fairly dramatically. However, it has left some little ones with flat noggins. 

For a while, we tried repositioning him so he wasn't always laying on the right side of his head. But, he's always known what he wants and this situation was no different. He kept favoring that right side.

We eventually went to see who I call "The Head Doctor" at Vanderbilt who recommended a CT scan to rule out other more serious issues. The scan went well and it was confirmed that everything was fine- just a little flat spot from repeatedly laying in the same position. 

The Head Doctor referred us to an Orthotics Center to look into having Wilson fitted for a helmet. We were told that the helmet wasn't absolutely necessary, but that if we wanted to know for sure that Wilson would have a round head then this was the way to go. Hudson and I decided that in the grand scheme of things a few months in a helmet wouldn't be that big of a deal...plus, it's football season!

Wilson was measured and fitted for the helmet and has had it for almost two weeks now. He adjusted to wearing it pretty quickly- doesn't act like he knows it's even there! 

Friday, September 13, 2013

It's been a while...

People kept telling me life was about to get really busy...they were right! Wilson has picked up some speed these last few months! Within the last two months he has learned to sit, figured out how to get around (going every direction but forward), gotten 2 teeth, gone to the beach and flown on a plane- not in that order.

Hudson and I both agree that this is a very fun age! Wilson's personality is really showing through. He's so happy and smiley. Unless, of course, he's hungry or sleepy. He absolutely loves Tupelo and really all dogs, for that matter. He likes taking all of his toys out of his box and he still really really loves spending Q.T. with me at 3am! :)

Stay tuned next week for a picture of Wilson's new fall accessory. 

Sporting his Neely's hat:

This sweet boy:

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Beach Bound

Hudson and I haven't been to the beach in at least a couple of years. I was spoiled as a child because I usually ended up going multiple times a summer. I was just telling Hudson about how brave my parents were when I was in junior high. Their beach trips were never relaxing- it was always me and at least 3 girl friends in tow. It was fun for us, though! What made it even more awesome is that several of my friends parents would do the same thing. So, we got to lay on the beach multiple times a summer!

This afternoon, we are heading to SC for a pitstop in Spartanburg to say hello to our folks and then off to Ocean Isle Beach, NC. It'll be Wilson's first beach trip! I'm looking forward to seeing what he thinks about the sand and ocean. There will be lots of pictures to come- obviously!

In other news, Wilson just had his 6 month check-up. He's weighing a whopping 15 pounds 11 ounces!   He's a growing boy! He's soooo close to sitting up on his own. Give it a couple of weeks and he'll be a sitting fool!

Friday, July 12, 2013

And then there were 8...

Hudson and I just got back from visiting our family in South Carolina. Anddddddd, as of last Wednesday, there are now 8 Neely grand kids (7 boys and one lucky little girl). 

On July 4th, Robert and Lindsay welcomed their precious twins into the world! I could not be more thrilled for more cousins! Come Christmas-time, it's going to be every man for himself: babies crawling and rolling and walking around everywhere! I cannot wait!

The twins: 

Baba and some of the boys:

I know what you're thinking... That's a whole lot of kids! You ain't seen nothing yet! Somebody please post a picture of all 42(??) of Memaw and Bebop's grand kids. 8 is a walk in the park!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The gang's all here...

A few years ago I met a family who has become some of my favorite people ever. They have truly been a blessing to me...I can't imagine life in Nashville without them!

When Hudson first started working at Hillsboro 6ish years ago, we were introduced to the Kur family. At the time, Achuoth and Elizabeth had 3 kids: Akur, Deng and Ed (They now have 4). Achuoth moved to Nashville from Sudan in 2001 (I think). A few years later his wife and baby girl were able to come with the help of some kind folks at Hillsboro.

I quickly fell in LOVE with their kids. Achuoth and Elizabeth did a stand up job raising those youngin's. For the past few years, Hudson and I have gotten the chance to spend some time with their oldest three kids. They are a BLAST! Akur is fun-loving and full of life. Deng is so spunky- I could spend all day with that kid. Ed is HILarious and doesn't slow down.

When Wilson was just a few days old, the whole gang came over to meet him (Elizabeth, Ateny, Akur, Deng, Ed):

                                                                 Look at how precious!

Tonight at church the kids were having fun passing Wilson around. I'm so glad we get the chance for our kids to interact and grow up together...I'm hoping their awesomeness rubs off on Wilson!

Akur & Wilson:

Ed-head & Wilson:

Ateny & Wilson:

Love this family!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I've got loads to say!


I've never been someone who has had a lot to say. I don't think I'm extremely opinionated about many things. Sometimes I blame this on not thinking deeply enough. Sometimes I blame it on my crazy mom who has crazy thoughts on just about everything. Like all of those times I was instructed to leave wherever I was at least 45 minutes before curfew to ensure that I got home on time even if I got stopped by the train....there is only one train in Spartanburg and it only comes about every other week. (Love you mom!!) 

But, I do have lots to say about Wilson! I'm thinking that I've become one of those parents who annoy the junk out of everyone with loads of pictures and what-not. That's ok; as you may have noticed, that worry doesn't slow me down! 

Having a baby changes the topic of conversations. Just yesterday I had a conversation about poopy diapers (Hudson has also had a poop conversation with someone while at the gym)! I now fully understand that Full House episode where Uncle Jesse and Rebecca commit to a dinner, free of baby conversation! Thank goodness for Full House! How's that for deep thinking?

Wilson is 5 months!!!: 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

We did it!!

I think Wilson just had the most content 3 days of his life! We are headed back to Nashville and this sweet boy is snoozing away:

Turns out Wilson doesn't mind traveling. He's reached a point where everything is interesting to him! He was intrigued by escalators and the Hard Rock Cafe was a big hit! 

We are back on the road in a few days for SC this time... Here's to hoping Wilson is still into traveling! 

Baby boy fed himself for the first time at IKEA:

Monday, June 24, 2013

We're going on a trip...

Hudson, Wilson and I are taking our first ever mini-vacation together! woohooo! We've been to SC a couple of times to visit family, but that's not quite vacation- sorry family!

On Friday, we're headed to Atlanta. For Father's Day, I bought Hudson tickets to a Braves game. He's always been a big fan and hasn't gone to a game in a while. Up until yesterday, Wilson and I were planning to go to the game, too. But, I got the bright idea to convince my parents to meet us in Atlanta so that my Dad could go to the game with Hudson and my mom, Wilson and I could poot around (I've never ever used that saying before)!

We're also going to a wedding and planning to make an IKEA run and, of course, the Coca-Cola museum.

On another note, the new place is all cleaned up! Now we're ready for people to come visit!

Wilson's room:

His "Who, Me?" look:

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Great is Thy Faithfulness

All I have needed, your hands have provided! 

Thank you God for sweet baby Wilson, a loving husband, amazing parents and in-laws, tons and tons of Neely cousins, a great new home, a cute pup, all the things I don't think of thanking you for, new days, a supportive church, funny people and caffeine! 


Friday, June 21, 2013

Okay, so here goes nothing...I think

I've never been a good decision maker. Unless the question is whether or not to drink a coke and then the decision is always yes! I'm pretty good at questioning myself on everything and I mean EVERYTHING!

Now that Wilson is here I've become even worse at making decisions. I think  I'm afraid I'll make the wrong decision and screw him up for a lifetime! 

Anytime he has a fussy day I go through a list of a million reasons why he might be fussy: he's not getting enough to eat, he's gassy, his tummy hurts, he needs attention, he has an ear ache, he's having a growth spurt, its a wonder week....seriously this goes on and on and on.

Most of you know if you've talked to me for even one second that Wilson hasn't always been the best napper and now night time sleeper.  I've tried close to every method to get him to sleep.... Except for crying it out. I think I've come close to trying it, but not really. One time I let him cry for 10 minutes and then couldn't take it anymore. I could see on the monitor that he kept looking for me and it just broke my heart!

I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and give it a good, solid, honest try. I think. But then again, I'm not a good decision maker. 

Sweet face:

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Just one of those days...

I'm still in my pajamas... Okay, that's not exactly true. I'm not in the pajamas I slept in- I put on different pajamas after I showered this morning. 

I feel like for every really really great day you have, a semi-bad day is right around the corner waiting to greet you with a snarky smile. Well that's what today has been.

It's just been one of those days...I can't even pinpoint what's been so yucky about it. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I guess. Wilson hasn't been an excellent napper today- that's probably part of it. I was also trying no caffeine again... That was a dumb idea and I failed miserably! I'm now sitting with my route 44 sweet tea.

Ok let me find something positive to say: Hudson and I are having a date night. We are going to a fundraiser for a nonprofit organization that works with adults with disabilities. Looking forward to it! 

Also, the living room is done:


Also, we've got a really cute kid:

Monday, June 17, 2013

And away we go...

We did it! We got all moved in thanks to some good friends!

Everything went really smoothly, unlike our last moved which involved two accidents: Hudson backed into a parked car (whoops!) and the moving truck's emergency break let loose allowing it to roll down the hill and slam into Hudson's car. Wish I had a picture of that!

Wilson was a trooper! He didn't even mind that one of his naps had to be in a closet! I'm not sure if that's a step up from the bathroom or not! 

If my mom were here we'd already have everything unpacked! We're getting things done little by little, though! I did get the kitchen unpacked today while Wilson napped! I think he was trying to help me out; he woke up right as I finished unpacking the last box! 

The kitchen: 

Wilson boy found his feet:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A pretty hard decision

I'm going to be a stay at home mom.

After Wilson was born, I took 14 weeks of maternity leave. Fortunately, or unfortunately, that left me going back to work for only a week before school got out for the summer. It was a strange feeling leaving him in someone else's care for the week but also really nice in some ways.

It feels funny to admit this, but I enjoyed the time away. I was able to have conversations with co-workers without being interrupted. I felt like a normal person for the first time in 14 weeks! But still, I wanted to be with Wilson instead of at work.

Besides, you never get the first year of your first child back. Soon, he'll be rolling around all over the place, then crawling and walking! I can't miss that!

It was a hard decision because I absolutely LOVED the place I worked. It was wonderful in so many ways: the people are friendly, respectable, hardworking and really fun to be around. The school was so well run and organized...it couldn't have been any better. I never came home stressed and gladly went in to work every morning.

But still, I know that come August whatever I'd be really sad if I was walking back into work instead of being at home with Wilson (even if he doesn't like to take naps!).

He's always wide-eyed....

Monday, June 10, 2013

Things I've learned..

No book, online message board discussions or even friendly conversations can prepare you for parenthood (although I am not discouraging any of these!). Over the past 4 months, I've learned that every baby is different and more importantly, you have to learn as you go!

I babysat a TON growing up- kids of all ages. Maybe I was overly confident but, I thought I had this whole mother goose role down pat. There are a whole host of things I've learned from Wilson...he's a very persistent teacher and I, his reluctant student!

Top 3 Things I've Learned

1. Scheduling doesn't work for every baby. I tried so so hard to stick to a 3 hour feeding schedule per the suggestion of lots of books/people. Wilson, however, does not prefer his meals on the 3 hour mark. He likes to eat when he wants to eat- aren't we all like that?! I should say, though, that the 3 hour schedule does work for lots of babes.

2. Naps are....interesting, non-existent, inconsistent, wonderful, necessary, in the car, in the crib, in my lap, while feeding, in the bouncy seat on the bathroom floor. Enough said about this topic.

3. Not everything is an emergency! For all of you pregnant moms or those planning to have children you should know that:

When your baby is born, you may think they look bowlegged- this will go away.
Sometimes babies come out bruised up- this will go away.
Sometimes babies just cry- this is hard, but will go away.

(There are lots of non-emergent situations I could share but it would become embarrassing so I'll stop here.)

**Special thanks to the Swan family for dealing with my hypochondria!**

4. It's all worth it! I love being a family of 3 (and a half...Tupelo)! It's always an adventure. I'm so glad God blessed us with this tiny little human!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

It's about to get crazy...

Hudson and I officially closed on our condo on Tuesday... We are no longer home owners- woohoo! We had a good 4 years there but were running out of space and looking forward to not sharing so many walls with people anymore. On Saturday, we are moving a whopping 3 miles down the road to a townhouse in River Plantation. I'm pumped!!

That leaves us one week to pack up. Having a 4 month old complicates things sometimes. Can't pack during the day because he's napping (or at least today he is) and can't pack at night because you're so tired! I'm going to need Mary Poppins to come on over and snap her fingers or whatever she does. 

Wilson had his 4 month check up yesterday. He is 13 lb 8 oz and 24 inches long! He's in the 12th percentile for weight and 20th for length. So, for the time being, he's a little guy! People keep commenting that he's a BIG boy... I think his sweet chubby cheeks are throwing you off. Anyway, he took his shots like a champ! He's been a little fussy today but nothing that a little TLC can't fix! 

I can't believe he's 4 months already! That's like a whole semester of college!

Here's a picture of his battle wounds...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Starbucks kind of day...

No sweet tea and sugar cookie in bed today!! Today is a Starbucks kind of day!

Sweet Wilson popped his eyes open at 4:45 this morning! After trying to get him back to sleep for about an hour, we finally decided it was time to start the day. I walked into the nursery to get him up and he just had a HUGE smile on his face. Kind of like "where have you been?? I've been hollerin' for you!" The nap in the bouncy seat didn't happen today so I decided that a Starbucks trip was a MUST...and a grande not a tall, please and thank you!!

Of course all of the Starbucks workers were oooohing and ahhhing and exchanging smiles with him. One barista commented that he looked sleepy... I let her know that he woke up before breakfast this morning. She told me that she gets up before breakfast EVERY morning... She has to be at work at 4:30!!! Well poot, I don't have anything to complain about!

I'm back home now feeding No-nap-Wilson and just looking at his precious face and tiny blond hairs on his head! I love this boy even if he does like to wake up before breakfast..good news is, I learned that Starbucks opens at 5am!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

First Blog Post

So...I'm thinking of becoming a blogger. I was sitting on my bed this morning (drinking sweet tea and eating a sugar cookie) and thought "WOW! how awesome is this?!" It's 9:00am, my baby is sleeping, (albeit, in the bathroom- I'll explain later) and I'm sitting in my bed eating a very unhealthy breakfast. This is a moment worth sharing with at least a few people!

Blogging is one of those things that I've always been skeptical about. I've told Hudson several times that I think it's a hobby that can come across as a little arrogant. My thought has been that a blogger assumes that their life is SO great that OF COURSE everyone would want to read about it. That's always irritated me a little....

Until 4 months ago when the sweetest (yes, THE sweetest!) baby was born and now I completely get it! My life is SO great and OF COURSE everyone wants to know all about it. And for those of you who don't, well then don't read my blog!

Back to the napping in the bathroom- Wilson hasn't always been the best napper. I discovered about a month ago that if I put him in his bouncy seat in the bathroom while I take a shower, BAMMM, he falls asleep! I'm not messing with sleep so it's the new normal in the morning! Don't judge!