Monday, June 10, 2013

Things I've learned..

No book, online message board discussions or even friendly conversations can prepare you for parenthood (although I am not discouraging any of these!). Over the past 4 months, I've learned that every baby is different and more importantly, you have to learn as you go!

I babysat a TON growing up- kids of all ages. Maybe I was overly confident but, I thought I had this whole mother goose role down pat. There are a whole host of things I've learned from Wilson...he's a very persistent teacher and I, his reluctant student!

Top 3 Things I've Learned

1. Scheduling doesn't work for every baby. I tried so so hard to stick to a 3 hour feeding schedule per the suggestion of lots of books/people. Wilson, however, does not prefer his meals on the 3 hour mark. He likes to eat when he wants to eat- aren't we all like that?! I should say, though, that the 3 hour schedule does work for lots of babes.

2. Naps are....interesting, non-existent, inconsistent, wonderful, necessary, in the car, in the crib, in my lap, while feeding, in the bouncy seat on the bathroom floor. Enough said about this topic.

3. Not everything is an emergency! For all of you pregnant moms or those planning to have children you should know that:

When your baby is born, you may think they look bowlegged- this will go away.
Sometimes babies come out bruised up- this will go away.
Sometimes babies just cry- this is hard, but will go away.

(There are lots of non-emergent situations I could share but it would become embarrassing so I'll stop here.)

**Special thanks to the Swan family for dealing with my hypochondria!**

4. It's all worth it! I love being a family of 3 (and a half...Tupelo)! It's always an adventure. I'm so glad God blessed us with this tiny little human!